
Podcasts – 

I have had the pleasure of connecting with some wonderful women and be a guest on their podcast. Through this opportunity, I have offered practical tools and insights for nurturing a deep connection with our little ones while maintaining a strong connection to self. You can hear these episodes on apple podcast, youtube or spotify. Hope this supports you. 

Play is the way – https://open.spotify.com/episode/054XTHUhQrzPilhPE5ktxp?si=F6ZOfUGmQm25BPUbuihC-A

In this episode, I talk about the importance of play. Play is the best way to connect with a child, and connection lays the foundation for the parent child relationship. When parents prioritize play, they help children develop a secure attachment. 

Rewild – Self regulation and maintaining presence


Join Nicole and I as we explore the importance of connection, nervous system regulation and personal discovery in raising the future generation. I delve deep into what conscious parenting means, the importance of rupture and repair, modelling what we want to see in our children and understanding how self care is not just a luxury but a necessity. 

Empowering parents with effective communication strategies 


Power struggles are challenging for all parents. However, when we understand that behavior is communication of met or unmet needs, we can lead our children with compassion, kindness, respect and empathy while fostering cooperation without resorting to traditional parenting methods such as bribing, manipulating and threatening. Words have power and when we are mindful about how we communicate, we can dissolve power struggles and have a deeper relationship with our kids. 

Nurturing strong sibling relationships 


In this episode I unpack the rosy expectations and the harsh realities of the sibling dynamic and share how to nurture strong sibling bonds. 

Building strong parent child bond through connection and empathy


In this episode, I talk about the importance of effective communication, including the power of reflective listening and empathy. By understanding our children’s inner world, validating their feelings, and needs, we can build stronger, more positive relationships. 

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